Polymer Nano-structure and their applications

##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName## https://doi.org/10.26524/royal.10


Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Sri Vidya Mandir Arts and Science College, Katteri, Uthangarai, Krishnagiri.


Nanotechnology is a relatively new science concerning the
use of nanoscale structures (1-100 nm) and is derived from the
Greek word meaning dwarf. One nanometer (10-9 m) equals one
billionth of a meter. Nanostructured materials represent a research
topic of wide interest in several fields, from both application and
basic points of view. Especially, the synthesis and characterisation
of semiconductor nanocrystals are of significant interest for both
fundamental and applied research, due to their tunable electronic,
optical and catalytic properties arising from the size confinement
effect. Among the semiconductor nanomaterials, zinc sulfide is an
important II-VI semiconductor material with wide band gap of 3.68
eV. In specific, ZnS is an excellent phosphor host material and
when appropriately doped, can give enhanced luminescent
properties. Doping of rare earth (RE) ions into ZnS lattice offers an
interesting way to tailor various properties of ZnS. In particular, RE
ions as dopant are more efficient in modifying the
photoluminescencet properties of ZnS. The factors like stability,
solubility and light emission are majorly depending on the surface
of nanoparticles. Many researchers have attempted to cap the
surfaces of the nanoparticles with organic or inorganic groups so as
to keep the nanoparticles against agglomeration.


  • Introduction
  • Enhancement In Optical Properties Of Ce3+ Doped Zns Nanocrystals By Polymer Edta.
  • Synthesis of Waxberry Like Balls Of Ce3+ Doped Zns By Polyvinyl pyrrolidone As Capping Agent
  • Bio synthesis of silver nanoparticles from the marine seaweed Sargassum Wightii and their antibacterial activity against some human pathogens
  • Effect of poly ethylene glycol (peg) as surfactant on cerium doped zns nanoparticles


May 6, 2019


Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


How to Cite

S, C. (2019). Polymer Nano-structure and their applications. Royal Book Publishing. https://doi.org/10.26524/royal.10