Inducing a thirst for research among the budding engineering graduates could be the top priority for institutions and teachers who care for the fantastic career of their students. It’s not necessary that the research should be so intense at the beginning of their study. But need for research should be elaborated to these students. Firstly, they should be exposed to the futuristic trends in technology, to the need for the modern society with respect to technology, to the user-friendly operations in modern technology and very importantly they should be taught how to collect validated and authentic information from the available resources from the web. Secondly, they should be explained in organising and classifying the gathered information with suitable headings and subheadings.Thirdly, they need to know about citing the works from where they have collected the resources. Finally, they should also be cautioned about plagiarism. This stable procedure of preparing a literary survey at the initial stage will create positive vibes and will stimulate them to take the lead to the next level of research in the following years.