Launch of a New Nano Set in NANO TOPOLOGICAL SPACES



Sr. Dr. I. Sahaya Dani
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, St.Teresa Arts and Science College for Women, Mangalakuntu


This book covers fundamental concepts of Nano Topology and guides to create new sets in Nano Topological Spaces. Topology is a branch of mathematics concerned with the features of objects that are preserved after continuous deformations, such as stretching but no tearing or gluing. Johann Benedict Listing coined the term "topology" in 1847 in Germany. Modern topology is heavily influenced by George Cantor's theories on set theory, which he developed in the late 1800’s. Felix Hausdorff originated the phrase "topological space" and defined Hausdorff space in 1914.


March 23, 2024


Details about this monograph

Co-publisher's ISBN-13 (24)


Physical Dimensions

How to Cite

Sr. Dr. I. Sahaya Dani. (2024). Launch of a New Nano Set in NANO TOPOLOGICAL SPACES. Royal Book Publishing.