This text book contains entirely two different topics. It is a compilation work. This book is given an introduction to the subject of the Micro techniques and Seed techniques in plant system. Based on the syllabus in Colleges and Universities (especially Southern Universities) new topics and techniques added in the text.
The book has been written in simple, lucid, graspable language, illustrated & self-explanatory labeled diagrams. All the flowcharts and diagrams have been provided with details. Some of the diagrams have been drawn by author himself from the original materials, while the remaining ones have been quoted from the authentic works of various authors.
This book is primarily an elementary text for college students and given certain ideas about Microtechniques and techniques in Seed and which are using in laboratory. Unit wise important two questions for competitive exams are given in last.
In conclusion, I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness to those who helped me directly or indirectly during the preparation of the text. Especially I am in debted to the college management for their continuous motivation.
The healthy criticisms and suggestion for the improvement of the book is always welcome for future milestone.