Stride of Mobile Banking Apps and Transaction Apps Towards Economic Growth


Dr. V. Vimala
Assistant Professor (SG), Department of Commerce, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore – 641 043, Tamil Nadu, India.


Banking Sector in India is witnessing the remarkable change in recent days. In the vision of its great trained personnel, emergent banking technology, ease of use of banking services and the developing banking products, India is expediently positioned at the domestic and international banking front. The study of banking technology today is incomplete without the study of Mobile Banking Apps and Transaction Apps among the Digital Bank Customers and its impact on the Life styles.


November 6, 2023


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Co-publisher's ISBN-13 (24)


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How to Cite

Dr. V. Vimala. (2023). Stride of Mobile Banking Apps and Transaction Apps Towards Economic Growth. Royal Book Publishing.